Combining Jo-Ann Rosa's Art with Jim Clark-Rosa's Poetry
to produce custom prints of 'Poetic Art'

In addition to the sale of original pieces, prints will be sold which will include a copy of a poem
which has been written for that piece.  Visitors can hear the poem recited as they view the
art piece in an art immersion experience.

** Click Here to view the Poetic Art Portfolio  **

NEW Addition to the Portfolio

'Cup of Coffee'

JRosa Poetic Art Portfolio

  • Pachelbel Canon in D original instruments4:10
  • Pachelbel Canon in D on Harp3:22
  • Pachelbel Canon orchestra5:22
  • Pachelbel Canon London Symphony6:15
  • Pachelbel Canon String Quartet6:53
  • Pachelbel Canon in D Major3:48

Jo-Ann Rosa’s fascination with art began at a young age and developed into a style born of intuitive energy that translates to an emotional experience on canvas.